Civil Litigation

Call J. Morgan Leach to evaluate your Civil case. 

If you have a civil case, you need a trial lawyer who knows how to litigate.

J. Morgan Leach accepts both contingent fee and advanced retainer fee cases. If you find yourself either needing to file or defend a civil lawsuit, call J. Morgan Leach to discuss your case. Hiring a trial lawyer is important if out of court negotiations fail. The complexity of litigation needs to be properly managed to ensure that you are getting the best outcome. Morgan specializes in the following areas of civil litigation:

  1. Administrative Law - We handle cases involving regulation of your business by a state agency. This includes navigation of regulations that govern your business, defense of regulatory actions against you, appeal of administrative decisions, and consultation for regulatory compliance. 
  2. Business & Employment Law - We handle all types of business disputes including breach of contracts, partner disputes, tortious business interference claims, negligence claims, misappropriation or conversion claims, wrongful termination, discrimination lawsuits, and more. 
  3. Civil Rights - We handle many different types of civil rights claims including first amendment violations, unlawful search and seizure, equal protection, police brutality and due process violations. If the government  has impeded on your constitutional rights, call us to evaluate your case today.
  4. Insurance Bad Faith - We handle claims against insurance companies for failure to pay claims in a reasonable and fair manner. If you have been denied coverage that you believe you are entitled to under your insurance policy, give us a call to discuss your case today. 
  5. Personal Injury - We handle car accident claims, slip and fall, product liability, wrongful death, and other injuries related to the negligence of another person or business. If you've been injured due to someone else's carelessness, give us a call for a free consultation today. 
  6. Personal Safety Orders - Personal safety orders are civil remedies that are sometimes necessary to protect your self from threats of harm, intimidation, or harassment from another person. If you fear for your safety due to another person's actions, call us today.  
  7. Preliminary Injunctions / Temporary Restraining Orders - If you are being irreparably harmed by the actions of another person, you may be able to petition the court to stop the behavior until a Court can hear the case. If you feel you need an injunction or a retraining order, call us today. 
  8. Small Claims Court - If you need to collect a debt or resolve any other type of dispute in small claims court, give us a call to discuss your options.  

We offer flexible billing options, including both hourly retainer fee and flat fee representation, depending on your personal and financial needs. 

Call us today for an affordable rate to handle your civil litigation needs.

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