Small Business Services

Call J. Morgan Leach to evaluate your Small Business legal needs. 

When you just need a little advice, call J. Morgan Leach to talk shop. 

J. Morgan Leach is not only an attorney, he's a small business owner too. If you are starting a new business, or currently operating a small business, there are a lot of legal issues that can get in your way and slow you down. Common issues for business owners include proper business formation, annual filings, operating agreements, contracts, sales, and more. J. Morgan is available and affordable for your small business needs. Whether you need anything from a quick contract to selling your business, give Morgan a call to discuss your options.   

We offer flexible billing options, including both hourly retainer fee and flat fee representation, depending on your personal and financial needs. 

Call us today for an affordable rate to handle your small business needs.

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