Family Law

Call J. Morgan Leach to evaluate your Family Law case. 

Protecting your Family is my Priority. 

J. Morgan Leach started practicing family law to help his friends, family, and community. There are many different types of issues that are handled by the Family Court system including divorce, child custody, child support, domestic violence protective orders, grandparent visitation rights, and more. Many of these issues are resolved by a hearing in front of a Family Law Judge. It is incredible how much power the Family Court system has over your and your family's lives. Family court judges have the power to divide marital property, establish parenting plans, determine amounts of child support, and even temporarily stop or limit visitations between parents and children. Family law issues can become very contentious, and sometimes parties stoop to low levels and make false allegations to gain the upper hand in Court. If you have a family law issue, don't go it alone. You need a lawyer who has the time to listen to your issues, give you sound advice, and represent you in the courtroom to make sure you and your family are protected. Morgan handles the following types of cases:

  • Adoptions
  • Child Custody
  • Child Support 
  • Divorce
  • Domestic violence proceedings
  • Grandparent visitation
  • Infant guardianships

We offer flexible billing options, including both hourly retainer fee and flat fee representation, depending on your personal and financial needs.  

Call us today for an affordable rate for your family law matter.  

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