Criminal Defense

Call J. Morgan Leach to evaluate your Criminal case. 

If you've been charged with a crime, you need to act fast to protect your constitutional rights. 

J. Morgan Leach began defending criminal cases to ensure that your constitutional rights are respected by the government. Many people that are charged with a crime are often over charged, which can be used as leverage in plea negotiations and result in a criminal conviction of a lesser charge. Morgan works diligently to protect his clients rights by personally investigating his cases and challenging the allegations made by the State in open court. Don't take a plea deal without your attorney investigating your case. Your attorney should interview witnesses, visit the scene of alleged crimes, cross examine police officers in preliminary hearings, and thoroughly inspect all the evidence in your case. If you feel that you're not being adequately represented by your attorney, don't wait until it's too late. There are critical milestones in your case that can negatively affect you at trial if not managed properly by a skilled attorney.  

We offer flexible billing options, including both hourly retainer fee and flat fee representation, depending on your personal and financial needs.

Call us today for an affordable rate for your criminal defense needs.

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